Saturday, July 5, 2014

Starting a New Life

Wow, it has been a long time.  But here I am, at it again!!  : )

So, since I last wrote here, my little boy has grown into what I'm going to call a big baby.  He's still a baby and doesn't quite walk yet (he is on his own schedule, not the typical one!), but he's not the same type of thing as a little bitty baby.  He gets around the house on all fours at high speeds and has his own language that can be quite expressive and he communicates quite well.  He's my little buddy, who amazingly gets more adorable every day.  How, I do not know!

Also, my dad offered my husband a job working at his company in my home town, Lincoln, Nebraska, and after much prayer and talking it through, we decided to go for it!  We decided in late February and with God's help, sold our house ourselves and found our new house in Lincoln in one weekend of house shopping!  It all went amazingly well and helped to confirm that we were on the right track.

Life has been pretty crazy for the past four months.  Those of you who really know me will understand just how crazy when I tell you that the last time I worked on a song of my own was March 3!  And tonight is finally the night that Jim and I decided I needed to finally GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and do something for me.  I've been having some amazing and much needed "Lisa time" here at Meadowlark (very fitting coffee shop for me since my former studio was called Meadowlark Music Studio, and still will be once I get back to teaching)!

What does "Lisa time" consist of?  Precisely this: one chai tea latte, a bumblebee bar (yum), journaling, listening to a nice band, talking to band members afterward, reading a few chapters in 3 different books, tonight on spiritual topics mainly, filling a blank piece of paper with free association thoughts, reading a bunch of other people's blogs, and then writing my own blog post consisting of a synopsis of my life as of late and my free association thoughts.  Oh, yeah, so here they are:

July 5, 2014

I want more of life, more of love, more of Truth.  I'm starting a new life here, though I'm not breaking with my past, but only taking the next step up the winding staircase of God's will for me and in me.

Listen closely... can you hear all the chaotic, raining pieces falling into place... clink, clink, clicking, slowly becoming ordered objects, useful and clean?  This is my dream becoming reality.  This is why I've been working so hard, so relentlessly. 

I want people who enter my house to enter ordered beauty, simple, plain and honest.  I want them to sense the open hearts that live inside the walls; the ones with beating hearts who work to keep their lives correctly prioritized.

I want to dare, to courageously choose to live differently, purposefully, clearly.  I want to work at it, undaunted by short-term failures and flaws, unafraid of perfection as well as imperfection, recognizing that each has its place in the grand design of life and truth, and acknowledge that appearances can be a means of deception.  I want to reject all forms of deception and embrace humility, daily repentance, dependence on God, and open-armed living, balanced with times of rest, reflection and prayer.

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