Wednesday, February 22, 2012


WOW, a new blog!  So much potential, so much life and happenings that will transpire and be reflected in few words or many through these posts.  Why a new blog, you ask?  Well, I had my last one ( for over five years, and then I just stopped writing in it for a year.  I guess my life had undergone such huge changes in getting married and moving to Kansas City that it became hard to write in that blog.  I felt like a different person than the one who started writing it.

I realize that the title of this blog is temporal.  I will remain married (divorce is not an option for either of us) and I will always identify myself in some way as a musician since it's such a deep-rooted part of me, but I will only be able to call myself young for another handful of year.  Oh, well.  Here we go!

So for those of you who know me, hello!  And for those of you who do not, or only vaguely, my name is Lisa and I am a follower of Jesus, married to Jim and I am currently in the process of starting my own business, a music studio I operate out of my home.  I guess that's all you need to know about me for now.

I am an avid journaler.  I probably have about 20 journals totally packed with life happenings at this point, and I'm only 29!  This blog will in no way be a journal substitute.  The internet is not the place for bearing my soul to that degree.  But seeing as I am a pretty transparent person, I will no doubt share enough for this to be called an online journal of sorts.

I really dig blogs.  I have gotten out of the habit of blogging and even checking other blogs that I used to, but I want to get back into it.  My brother's family has a great blog and two of my best friends used to blog a lot, but it seems the three of us fell off the bandwagon.  Renee, Abby.... want to start a NEW blog too?!!  That would be awesome.  I miss being able to check in on you in random free moments.

Anyone else want to start a blog so I can keep up on your thoughts randomly?  I welcome it.  I think it's one of the best uses for blogs.  Blogs are one way that technology can be used to bring people closer together.  It's no substitute for personal interactions, but it can really help for the in-between times.  Writing this makes me think of my friend Naomi.  I haven't talked to her in WAY too long!  Oh, and Phoebe... and others.  I admit, I have been overly busy, running around trying so hard to advertise my business.  It's so easy to let the immediate life stuff crowd out things like keeping up with long-distance friends and even family.  I apologize.  But I'm blessed to have great people in my life who are very understanding.  I know the next time we get a chance to be together, we will pick up right where we left off.  Thanks, true friend.

Talk to you soon, blog reader!  And now that introductions are over, next time I will actually write something!