Friday, June 29, 2012

Season of Busy

Hi.  The last few months have been good, but very busy; a few times way too busy.  I think about Ecclesiastes sometimes when I need a reminder that life changes, because I know I can't survive if it doesn't soon.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.  A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot... a time to mourn and a time to dance..." -Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Recently it has been my time to build up my business and accidentally overcommit myself to various activities.  It might not have been so bad except for the fact that I am not one of those people who just loves to be busy.  I like to have plenty of good things to do, but there comes a point when I just don't feel like myself anymore because I haven't had time to process anything going on in my life.  Anyone know what I mean?

Oh, and about that job I applied for: I didn't get it.  They were very nice and said they might be interested in using me on an as-needed basis at some point, and I got an email just yesterday informing me of another opening, so I don't feel too bad or like they didn't think I was qualified.  I probably didn't have as much experience with this population as they would have liked.  Regardless, I have felt very assured that this was the right result because I've been getting lots of new students lately!  Praise God for that!

I still do not technically have any music therapy clients, but I now have 2 going on 3 students with autism, and I know my music therapy background came into play with those parents.  I have had to adapt my usual teaching strategies for these kids, and it has been both a challenge and a great reward.  Overall, I'm very happy with what I'm doing and the direction things are going.  I feel so blessed to be able to work out of my home doing something I'm so passionate about.  I am not making a huge amount of money at this point, as I have around 18 students per week, but combined with Jim's teaching salary, it is enough, and there is a lot of potential for growth.

Career pursuits have been a big theme of this year for me.  But there are many other thoughts that make their rounds when I have the time for them.  Thoughts of loved ones, of friends far away and near, thoughts and wishes about developing closer friendships with girls who live close by, and thoughts about "family planning" as they call it.  How about you, friend?

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